where hope grows... introduction

This blog is about my life, my journeys and my struggles. It will be filled with hope. It will be filled with love. It will be filled with strength. It will be filled with courage and challenge.

This is a new experience for me. It is my hope that this forum will provide a space where I can self reflect, and perhaps, if it seems interesting enough to someone out there on the infinite internet, connect.

Writing down ones thought, feelings and anything really helps people to feel more accountable and truthful to themselves. It helps people to decipher and clarify these thoughts and it works as a method of counselling. For myself, this type of writing can be embarrassing and frightful. It is for these reasons that I am doing this blog, to try something new, to have a new experience, to see what can come of it, to conquer a fear, to Learn.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Strength. Hope. Miracles.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot. - Eleanor Roosevelt 


When creating this blog my intentions were to write in it on a continual basis. Everyday if I could. I created this blog on Thursday, put my first entry in and was pleased with how I had started. I went to classes on Friday, my intentions were to come home after school, settle in with a good cup of tea, perhaps a good tv show and write another blog. I was going to write about strength. The strength it was going to take to lose weight, the strength it takes to be living in a place where there are no jobs, the strength that we all have within us. That did not happen. 


On Friday morning my mother, who has Chrons disease, went into the hospital with pain in her stomach. By Friday night she had been admitted into the largest hospital in the city, awaiting immediate surgery. I was told that it was because of her Chrons, something had happened they needed to operate. I later found out this was not true. 


By Saturday morning I made my way to the hospital. They had decided it was not the time to operate and Monday they would be doing a biopsy. A biopsy on what? My father then folded. He told me the truth. They had found several absecces in my mother, they did not know what they were and they needed to find out. Today is Sunday. My mother is drugged up from the pain, which is a good thing, it appears that the surgical team still has not decided what to do. She is still having the biopsy, she will be having many other tests, all we can do is wait. 


Friday afternoon I was thinking about writing in this blog. I was thinking about writing about my recently started weighloss journey and the strength it would take me to follow it through to the end. Today I sit here writing about the strength it will take my family to get through this. The strength to be patient with the doctors and surgeons.The strength it will take to not break down if it is cancer. The strength it will take to beat cancer.


Strength is something we all have within us. It is something that is inherent to our being. It is something that everyone has experienced at one time in our life. It is something that we all need, we all rely upon and we all value. 

Strength is sometimes mysterious. We are always shocked by the physical strength of a mother protecting a child. 

Strength is contagious. When a player sees a team mate use all his strength it inspires him. It inspires him to find all of the strength within himself. 

Strength can be lost. 
Strength can be gained. 
Strength is what I need.
Strength is what I will have.

Hope. Strength. Miracles. 

Because with Hope, with Strength... Miracles Will Blossom 

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