where hope grows... introduction

This blog is about my life, my journeys and my struggles. It will be filled with hope. It will be filled with love. It will be filled with strength. It will be filled with courage and challenge.

This is a new experience for me. It is my hope that this forum will provide a space where I can self reflect, and perhaps, if it seems interesting enough to someone out there on the infinite internet, connect.

Writing down ones thought, feelings and anything really helps people to feel more accountable and truthful to themselves. It helps people to decipher and clarify these thoughts and it works as a method of counselling. For myself, this type of writing can be embarrassing and frightful. It is for these reasons that I am doing this blog, to try something new, to have a new experience, to see what can come of it, to conquer a fear, to Learn.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hope. My First Blogging Experience

I chose the title "Where Hope Grows Miracles Blossom" for countless reasons. A person could argue that the fact I am even doing this blog is a miracle in itself, for reasons surrounding my technological skill this blog can be seen as hope. It represents Hope for my technological being, that as a teacher, as a person in this every growing and rapidly moving society I will still be able to keep up, I will still be able to relate, to my students, to life, to technology.

I think we all know that this title symbolizes much more then that of my technological skills, it symbolizes everything in my life and everything that I believe in.


In Greek mythology there are several different interpretation of every story, of every myth. The Pandora story is one of cruelty and of revenge, of Zeus punishing humans for Prometheus sins. In one version of the story when Pandora opens the box Hope is the last of the spites, Hope comes out of the box and it is Hope that saves mankind. Without Hope we could not exist in the world with the rest of the spites, with disease, with death, with depression. It is Hope that saves us. It is Hope that keeps us moving forward.


I have had a very fortunate life. I have two supportive parents, countless wonderful family members, I have a wonderful husband I have a community of people around me, I have a good life.

I have a university education, my parents worked very hard to put me through school. We are not rich by any means, but I have had many opportunities in my life. I have travelled across Canada, I have travelled to Asia, I have been very lucky.

I have a good head on my shoulders. I am a logical person, I can have fun but I am also safe and practical. I have been able to gain respect through means of my mind, through means of my intelligence.

I have had many great friendships in my life. I have two friends that I have treated like sisters. Now, in my life, I only have one sister left. I have struggled with these friendships and recently I have begun to give up on many of them.

I am not obese. I am not thin. I have struggled with my weight my Entire Life- I have lost weight, I have gained weight, I have felt great, I have felt worthless.


This blog will encompass my life. It will reflect my daily life, my struggles, my victories, my thoughts and my feelings. Through this outlet I will become stronger, I will self reflect more and I will have Hope.

Hope for the future me.

Hope for what I can become.

Hope that I can show the world how Great I am.


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